Buttermilk Flap Jacks
We call it Flap Jacks or Plaatkoekies (Afrikaans) and the Americans call it Pancakes, no matter what they are called, they are the best...

Beetroot Hummus
Hummus is very versatile, you can change and adapt it in so many ways. This is my basic recipe for Hummus and I simply added the...

buttercream types
Buttercream has different types; each type has its own flavour, taste and appeal. 1) Creamed AMERICAN/BASIC: Icing sugar + softened...

to cake smash or not to smash
"What a waste..." / "I won't let my kid to do that.." / "since when is this a trend to destroy a cake?" - I've overheard people say......

cookie or biscuit ??
What is the difference between a cookie and a biscuit? I sommer always call it cookies (mainly because of from my Afrikaans heritage...

banning plastic
We all seen the devastating effects plastic has on our beautiful earth, adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, or humans....

theme it
Donald Duck The best thing about this day and age with technology and the world at your fingertips is that inspiration is everywhere. Any...